

I was working at a job two years ago with my daughter doing brand ambassador work at a store. And one day a guy walked up to me and just started talking to me. He proceeded to tell me that he had chronic myloid leukemia and that he used to have a very successful career in IT. But he told me he lost his career and was very depressed and had to go on disability because he has to take a chemo pill everyday. He said that he had the kind of leukemia that doesn’t kill you and that he could live to be old,  but he just always has to take the medication. But he told me that the medication gave him horrible side effects including very torturous tinnitus. He said it was so bad that he hadn’t slept in about three or four years. Maybe only two hours per night. So anyhow I proceeded to tell him that this isn’t actually my real job and I’m a long time hypnotherapist and an energy healer and holistic therapist and healer. I asked him if he wanted me to try some hypnotherapy on him via phone and we started doing sessions at night on the phone to help him fall asleep. He proceeded to tell me that he had moved to Florida when he was 8 years old and he was from a small town in Pennsylvania with only about 12, 000 people. I said oh that’s really interesting I said I’m also from a small town in Pennsylvania with only 12, 000 people. Right above Pittsburgh I said that’s where my hometown is as well. So we found out we were from the same hometown. I’ve been in Florida for 10 years and have never met anyone from my hometown because it’s so small. So anyways we ended up finding out we were also born in the same Hospital and he had went to the same Elementary School with my mother. I also found out that his birthday on 11:11 and he was born at 11:11 am. My birthday is 11:10 and my sister’s birthday is 11:11. So I was like oh my God the synchronicity. And then I started doing energy healing on him proceeded to tell me that he is part Hungarian and that one of his grandmothers on his dad’s side is from Budapest. My jaw dropped and I told him I’m part Hungarian and one of my grandmother’s on my mom’s side is from Budapest. Other synchronicities happen such as other relatives with the same name and same birthdays and on and on. We were instantly best friends and Incredibly connected at the soul level. I knew instantly that I was supposed to help him. So we worked together for 2 years and I taught him energy healing and he became pretty powerful although still having health issues of his own. Earlier this summer he started having chest pains and jaw pain. His primary care doctor told him that he was having anxiety and gave him a mood stabilizer. This went one on for weeks. I kept telling him this sounds like cardiac and that he should get further testing. I ended up putting his name in for the John of God Circle and triangle for the casa. Not too long after the doctor finally gave him a stress test. I had told him that I would take him to his procedure. I’m usually pretty healthy but that night I started throwing up in the middle of the night and found out I had a large kidney stone and an infection as well. I told him that I couldn’t pick him up…. I needed some pain medication and had to go to the ER. After his testing he came to the ER to see me. A few minutes later he got a phone call about the stress test and was told to immediately go to a hospital. He said I’m already at the hospital visiting my best friend. They said admit yourself immediately and you’re getting a heart cath. We were technically both admitted to the hospital  within the same hour or two. I was on the 4th floor and he was on the 3rd. We were both just kind of laughing because of our unique synchronicity and saying what are the odds of this as we were both about to get our morphine for the night for pain and on the phone. He ended up getting a quadruple bypass 3 days later. He started recovering rather quickly and he still has fatigue and it’s been a journey. But the odds of that were really rare as I’m usually never in the hospital for anything and the timing. The doctors aren’t sure how he’s still alive because he probably should have killed over with a heart attack way before. And he also may have delayed the testing because he was too worried about me and my kidney infection. And it’s an absolute miracle that he’s here today. And many other mystical experiences as well since then. Thank you for sharing!

Community in help

The entities were super active that night and another Casa member kept popping in my mind. I got the feeling they were in need of help and I was to do something. I reached out to a mutual friend to check in on the Casa member. It turns out they were not well at the moment and needed help. Thankfully with my new job I am able to help the community down there when I can. And I was happy to do so.

Energy sedation

I did a crystal bed session before I went to sleep last night. The entities were super active. I was very depleted, I asked for astral/energetic IVs to help restore me with what ever I needed plus some sedation to help me get to sleep. I woke up with little bruises where IVs would go!!! And felt much better today. Hope they hit me with another dose!

Marcelos cat

Minimi had an infection in her mouth from which infectious liquid was leaking. Then Karin came and said, “I’m going to pray for her.” The cat disappeared for several hours. At night, when I was about to close my store, she appeared without infection or inflammation. It’s simply a miracle. It’s impossible for a cat to recover in such a short time without some kind of treatment.

Spinal injury

So today I stacked 100 bales of hay at least 60 lbs in weight and more. Why am I sharing this you ask? Because I was never suppose to be able to do anything like this again. I was sentenced to sign my life away to a sedentary life. It is only by the grace of the Entities and God and the miraculous healing they blessed me with that I can do these things again. My story is on one of the Casa DVDs. These healings took place when the medium was not there. It was a spinal injury, with neuropathy that even with surgery I would still face limitations and pain. Happy tears of gratitude to them in this moment and always. 🔼🌹🦋🔼 If you haven’t gone back yet, they are there waiting for you.

You`re next

Here is a remarkable account of a miraculous healing that took place in 2017, offering a source of inspiration in these challenging times. We are deeply privileged to share this touching story as part of the extended Casa family. To respect privacy, the names have been changed. Maria, hailing from Sao Paulo, arrived in Abadiânia with a severely diseased liver, with her sole motivation being her 16-year-old son, whom she dearly wanted to live for. Her condition was so dire that her friend, Daniela, decided to stay by her side in the same room, fearing she might not make it through the night. It was a Tuesday evening, and Maria was determined to see the Medium in Entity the following morning. The two women retired for the night in a pousada located approximately 400 meters from the Casa. Maria was so ill that she insisted Daniela stay in the same room, believing she might not survive until morning. This is how dire her situation had become. During that fateful night, Maria had a dream. In her dream, she saw an operating table surrounded by surgeons who were performing an intervention on what appeared to be a young teenage boy. One of the surgeons, who was facing Maria, turned around, and she instantly recognized him as Dr. Agusto de Almeida. He handed her a piece of paper with the name “Richard Kaufman” written on it and uttered, “You’re next.” That’s all she could recall. When dawn broke on Wednesday morning, Maria awoke to find blood on her sheets. She lifted the covers and discovered blood on her T-shirt as well. Upon further examination, she noticed 28 crude black stitches protruding from the area of her liver. These were the very stitches that Dr. Agusto had used. In one of his past lives, he had been in the military, hastily suturing wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Both women were astonished, and Daniela took a photo to show to the Casa that morning, advising Maria to remain in bed. As soon as the Casa’s activities began, Daniela approached the incorporated Entity, who was Dr. Agusto, and showed him the picture, seeking an explanation. The Entity responded, “We gave Maria a liver transplant last night. Tell her to come here on Friday morning, and I will explain everything.” On Friday morning, the two ladies visited the Casa, with Maria feeling stronger than she had in a long time. Dr. Agusto incorporated and called them over, revealing that Maria now had a new liver in her body. This liver had been donated by the young man on the operating table in her dream, whose name was Richard Kaufman. He had willingly given his liver from the spiritual realms. Dr. Agusto instructed Maria to visit her doctor in Sao Paulo after 40 days for confirmation. Over the next 40 days, Maria enjoyed good health, and when she finally saw her doctor, he was dumbfounded. He called four other surgeons to examine her, as they found it impossible to believe. There had been no need for rejection drugs, and her scar had healed and faded more than another scar from a surgery performed by an Earth doctor a couple of years earlier. One of the doctors even asked if she had bought her new liver on the internet. Maria was overcome with emotion, and the doctors kept exclaiming that what had happened was impossible. She mentioned the Casa, and one of the surgeons was familiar with the work being done there. The story left everyone astounded. Maria returned to the Casa to share her incredible experience, her life having been saved, and she was filled with happiness, now able to live for her son. She offered her testimony in the Casa gardens in Portuguese, English, French, German, and Spanish, evoking a powerful and emotional response from those present. She even took her blood-stained T-shirt to the main hall to show everyone in the congregation. Following this astonishing miracle, the Casa’s phones were inundated with inquiries from people seeking transplants. It remains a mystery why some individuals receive such physical miracles, but Maria continues to enjoy good health with a perfectly functioning liver. Miracles continue to unfold, reinforcing the idea that they happen all the time. It’s worth noting that this transplant occurred not within the Casa but in a nearby pousada. It wasn’t even an official Casa day, and Medium Joao was not present in Abadiania that night. Maria didn’t have to walk through the Casa gates, emphasizing that the work transcends geographical boundaries, extending to thousands of miles away from the Casa. Indeed, the Divine knows no borders, time, or space. The Casa stands as an extraordinary healing portal, and it is a privilege to have been present to hear this testament of truth. Now more than ever we need the Casa energy and the support of these extraordinary Entitys who continue to work alongside us ,unseen with a phenomenal high vibration that is a magnet for miracles . “Ask and you will receive “ In the words of Dom Inacio, “For those who believe, no words are necessary; for those who do not believe, no amount of words are sufficient.”

Alexandra All Over Abadiania Continued

This is a repost from Alexandra`s second blog article:

She is a perpetual traveler and content creater.

Outside Casa de Dom Inacio, my stomach grumbled. Nose blocked, I took a deep breath. A tingling sensation in my arm demanded attention. Shaking it off, I crossed the threshold.

Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiânia faced controversy in 2018. Over 600 abuse accusations targeted Joao de Deus. Despite his absence today, the Casa draws seekers with transformative energies, promising healing for various ailments. The energy, whether from a real person or the power of the mind, makes Casa de Dom Inacio a space worth exploring for spiritual transformation.

Want to have a look inside the Casa? Check out this brief video of my visit:

What happened since my Last Visit at Casa de Dom Inácio

Last year’s visit to Casa de Dom Inacio in Abadiania led to a minor revelation. As mentioned in my previous blog post, I was there on a Sunday when the Casa wasn’t functioning. Nonetheless, I filled out my paper wish and placed it inside the triangle on the wall.

Recalling my friend Jutta’s advice—put down my wish for physical suffering along with my name, birth date, and address—I faced a dilemma due to my nomadic lifestyle. I asked her, “How will the entities find me?” The solution: writing my license plate number.

A few days later, a revelation occurred in the car while driving. Tears blurred my vision, and as the landscape outside became blurry, I stopped and sat for five minutes. It suddenly made sense—the cause of my five-year back pain and how to heal it. Understanding my suffering led to sudden improvement.

One year later, after a journey through South America, crossing Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia, I stopped at Jutta’s Pousada (Contact her for a great deal!) It had been a wild year, and upon seeing me, Jutta mentioned how tired I looked. I was not surprised. I looked forward to a week at Jutta’s and another visit to the Casa, this time during opening hours.


When Blogs Sting: The Unexpected Thorn in the Side of my Last Casa Post

After settling into Jutta’s Pousada Octogono, I shared a quiet moment with her, recounting a peculiar incident from the past year.


A lady, representing a renowned Brazilian magazine, reached out after reading my last blog post. Intrigued by my nomadic South American adventures, she expressed eagerness to feature my story.

However, there was a twist—she insisted I remove the post detailing my experiences in Abadiania. As I pondered this unexpected request, it became evident that the person’s enthusiasm for my journey may not have been as genuine as initially believed.

The ordeal left me with a lingering question: How did a seemingly unremarkable blog post from an anonymous South American traveler prompt such an uncommon media proposal?

What’s New in Abadiania?

Back in Abadiania, my excitement was evident. I made it a routine to wander through town daily, exploring the little stores filled with crystals. I stayed loyal to Fruttis, the go-to restaurant for foreigners, savoring their offerings like espresso on ice, omelets, açaí, and various dinner options – often visiting up to three times a day.


They had built a new bridge over the federal highway, providing an interesting experience as cars passed underneath, causing a noticeable shake. I hope the construction will stand the test of time.

On the opposite side of the highway, there were more restaurants, a gym, and small parks, looking like any average Brazilian town. However, my focus remained on the north side. There you regularly encounter Casa visitors. Those were the people dressed in white strolling through the streets, always ready with a friendly hello.

Familiar faces were a common sight, even those from the previous year. Whether during meditation at the Casa or while enjoying a free soup at the Casa’s kitchen.

Meditation and Current at Casa de Dom Inacio

This year I decided to take part in the Casa’s mediation and current. Despite being on my second visit, I found myself seated among the “First timers,” a dedicated section for newcomers. The prior year had denied me access to the meditation room due to its closure on Sundays.

Prepared with a white t-shirt and light pants, I arrived before 8 am, holding my written message to the entities of light. As prayers echoed in the seating area, I anticipated the moment to join the line. Among the first-timers, I entered the meditation room, following the path of those who had walked before me. As they called the people before me, I learned that they were either on their second visit or had undergone a prior intervention. Each group of people requires their distinct energy.


On the second day, I arrived early for meditation. The guidelines emphasized avoiding crossed legs or arms, allowing entities to perceive and work on individuals better. Seated for three hours on church-like hard benches, I subtly adjusted my posture for comfort. While I was sitting there, a lady interrupted my meditation telling me that I had my ankles crossed by accident. Very observant.

Possibly three hours of darkness just let some interesting ideas pop into one’s head. But in any case, it felt like something was communicating with my mind, offering me ideas that were related to some recent worries. You take it or you leave it.

Anyway, I thanked the entities for listening to me even if I wasn’t sure if it was them speaking to me or my own wild mind.


Learning about Aura and Chakra Analysis in Abadiania

After the meditation session, we gathered at the Casa’s kitchen for a comforting bowl of soup. I sat at a table with multiple people listening to their stories about why they came to Abadiania. I chatted with Leon, a young German guy, and exchanged Instagram information to meet up later for a sunset walk over the hill.

During that walk he told me his story and that he was interested in aura analyses. The only time I had ever heard about aura before was when talking to a Mormon High Priest I met in Mexico three years prior. Apparently my aura is pink and yellow, but I don’t know if that’s any good. Plus, he probably just wanted to convert me to Mormonism. I asked if he would like to do one for me. The next day we met again for an aura and chakra analysis.

Leon used a frequency measuring device to analyze my strong and weak points at the time of measuring.


The results were intriguing, revealing weaknesses that I had vaguely noticed but hadn’t fully acknowledged, such as blocked nerve endings and nasal sinuses. I did notice before that most nights I wake up with one arm fallen asleep, and I can’t remember a time where my nose was not partly blocked, but I never thought of it as problematic. In addition, the device recognized digestive issues. I did have digestive issues when I arrived in Abadiania; something I caught a few days prior from some food poisoning. Could have been a lucky guess since I’ve had digestive issues ever since setting foot on this continent. The analysis though was a useful tool to be more aware of physical happenings.

The analysis extended beyond the physical realm, offering insights into my mental processes. My idea of family, partnership, finances, and anxieties—all of which proved surprisingly accurate. Aligning with my chakras, the solar plexus chakra (belly chakra) emerged as the weakest, emphasizing a lack of a strong gut feeling. It resonated with my self-awareness as more of a “head person.” If you ever make it to Abadiania, say hi to Leon!

Consequently, when lying in bed at night I researched the different chakras and their meaning. Again, I am convinced that just by realizing one’s shortcomings it can lead to automatic improvement. This is what Abadiania showed me last year already when I focused on my back pain.

Chakra Support: The Healing Power of the Casa’s Crystals


But how else can I strengthen my chakras? I explored various websites detailing the supportive properties of crystals for different chakras. While often matching the chakra color, there are variations. I noted gems supportive of each chakra, accumulating two pages of valuable information.

The day after, I visited the Casa’s shop. Numerous quartzes and crystals filled the space. Engaging the knowledgeable shopkeeper, I inquired about specific stones, finding the green and blue quartz. To my great surprise, the man gifted them to me, especially the green quartz known for attracting wealth 🙂

Exiting the Casa, I strolled along Abadiania’s main street, exploring different crystal shops. One, in particular, caught my attention. Zelimar (Zeila) a lady fluent in English, assisted me in finding the remaining five stones. Proudly, I returned home, allowing the mild evening sun to cleanse the crystals.

You should avoid hot direct sunlight for the cleaning and charging process as it might damage the crystals. Rather use moonlight, bury them in the ground or use other crystals to charge them. I purchased a selenite charging bar, creating a dedicated space for my crystals.


These were my first chakra stones and I use them to meditate and just feel good when I look at them. In Abadiania, where the energy feels just right, I embraced crystals with a positive vibe that I might not have considered elsewhere.

Holistic Healing: A Journey with Casa, Crystals, and Personal Wellness

What did I wish healing for this time? I didn’t have any severe problems, but there was one thing I couldn’t forget for years. The last time I had gone to the doctor for a health check-up was before I left my home to travel in South America. Back then, I had a benign tumor in my uterus. Nothing to worry about as long as I didn’t have pain.

Now, four years later, I’m visiting my family in Austria for the first time since 2020. Last week, I went for a check-up and was happy to see that nothing of the tumor was left. There are multiple ways how that tumor could have disappeared. I don’t even know if I still had it in Abadiania. It could have been just as much due to nutrition (I stopped eating soy) as to the Casa.

Nevertheless, I thank my time at the Casa, Leon for his analysis, and my crystals for giving me comfort and optimism for holistic health.


Reflections after the Casa

Now, as I reflect on my time at Casa de Dom Inacio, the experience with crystals, and spiritual healing, I find another transformation in my perspective. Last year, I began with skepticism, and I was surprised when healing abruptly hit me. This year, while more open, I still remain a head person. Yet, the welcoming embrace of Casa, the insightful analyses from Leon, and the comforting energy of crystals have brought me one step closer to holistic healing.

The fact that something is free is a sign of authenticity. The Casa has nothing to gain from my visit. I consumed coffee and pão de queijo at their cafeteria, received free crystals at their shop, and ate free soup at their kitchen. Casa de Dom Inacio offers healing without charge, challenging the usual expectations. If the primary motivation is healing, it speaks volumes about the authenticity of spiritual practices.

Want to have a look inside the Casa? Check out this brief video of my visit (above)

As I continue my journey, I’m excited to share that I’m working on a book capturing stories from my three-year adventure in South America.

If you have any suggestions for a publisher who resonates with these narratives, I’d love to hear from you.

✍️ More BLOG posts on my travels:

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Alexandra All over Abadiania

This is a repost from Alexandras blog:
She is a perpetual traveler and content creater.

Before you start reading, take a look inside the Casa de Dom Inácio in Abadiânia (video above)

I didn’t really know anything about Abadiânia before we arrived there. Probably we would have never visited if our new friend Jutta hadn’t invited us to meet her at her Pousada in this small town close to Brasilia.

Already one year before, Jutta saw through my Youtube videos that I was traveling in Brazil and reached out for the first time. Due to limited time and the large distances in Brazil I didn’t manage to make it there. However, this year we would finally make the trip to meet Jutta and her family in Abadiânia.

Abadiânia – a small town of international fame?

Arriving there we noticed the diverse mix of people from all
different countries. Besides Brazilians we saw tourists on short visits
and expats from all over the world. How come this little town has so
many visitors?


On our first night at Jutta’s Pousada Octogono we had a long chat
about life and what brought us to Brazil. Paul and I had just come from a
busy week in Brasilia and were happy to wind down and enjoy some peace
and quiet. Abadiânia was the perfect place for that. But besides that it
is also home to a world-famous sanctuary that is visited by numerous
international people.

The Casa de Dom Inácio in Abadiânia

We learned about the well-known spiritual healing center in
Abadiânia. Years ago it was home to the Medium Joao Teixera de Farias,
also known as Joao de Deus (or John of God.) Millions of people have
visited the place to seek cures for their ailments ranging from cancer
and AIDS to fractures and vision problems.


Joao de Deus is said to be a powerful mediumship in which benevolent
spirits or entities use his body to perform healing. In extreme cases he
would also perform surgeries on stage. As merely the host to these
spirits he would always claim that it is not him that offers healing to
the people, but God himself.

While on a typical day during John of God’s time he would treat
around 1000 people per day, now the Casa sees significantly less people.
Nevertheless, the healing energies are still supposed to be present.
And people can seek healing there.


The Casa is only open to the public Wednesday to Friday. But through our contact we were allowed in to take a look around on a Sunday.

How can I get Healing now?

All of this sounds pretty incredible. A man who has supposedly helped millions of people get healthy. I saw a room full of walking aids that people left behind because they didn’t have use for them anymore. Moreover, numerous healing stories and photos. But is that really proof?


I’ve been suffering from back pain for over five years. Having consulted numerous physical therapists, it is something that no one could ever really help me with. According to doctors, I have some kind of back strain. However, I’ve kinda learned to live with it because I don’t really know what to do anymore.

The dim side of Abadiânia

People told us stories about why Joao de Deus is not actively working at the Casa anymore.

In fact, in 2018, after over 600 accusations of sexual abuse, he turned himself in to police. Some people claim that he abused his power, mistreating patients that came to him. Others think he was a danger to Western medicine because of the healing of incurable illnesses. Personally I cannot say if he was the real deal. But I do believe in the power of the mind. And if a visit at the Casa can give you a more powerful mindset, no matter if an actual person is present there or not, I think it’s worth trying.

Inside the Casa

Being inside the Casa, I got the impression of it being a mix of church and hospital. There was an area labeled “pharmacy“, a bigger room with seats to watch the stage, a nice garden, a soup kitchen etc.


The most interesting part was closed off. It was the area where
people who ask for healing get in line. It’s only open Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays. Even though that Sunday I was there it was all
empty, I still felt a strange tension. It was like a strong pressure on
my chest. I couldn’t tell if it came from my nervous breathing or if I
actually felt a higher power on my chest.

I felt weird preparing a letter to the entities asking them for
healing of my back. Is this piece of paper really going to change
anything? I left the note on the sacred triangle that represents faith,
love and charity. While I was doing this, I tried to visualize my back,
the pain and the healing. Just like you do when meditating.


How would these sacred entities find me to heal my back?

Besides my wish to get a stronger back, I wrote down where the
healing spirits would find me. But I didn‘t have an address… so what do I
write? Since I don’t have a permanent home, I wrote down our car
license plate number. It‘s already odd enough leaving a note to the
spirit entities, so why not go all the way!

For the next days I should stay aware of any changes in my back area. I tried doing that every night before I went to sleep.

Two days later in the car I suddenly started having intense breathing
problems. Paul was driving and was getting a bit nervous watching me
how I could barely calm down.

I had a realization of why I had been having back problems for so
many years. I felt like someone was telling me what went wrong and what
to do to get rid of it again.

It all sounds logical but why have I not seen it earlier?

Without revealing too much of my personal history, I want to share
with you that it had something to do with standing up for myself.
Sometimes I give in just to avoid conflict or to be polite. As a coach I
help people, teaching them that they should go for what they want in
life. When it comes to one‘s personal life, one sometimes forgets about
following the most basic rules.

Mental strength and back strength are connected. Realizing this already gave me a more powerful mindset.

For the next six days my life was totally different. I did not feel
any pain, I could go out eat at restaurants, sit in cafés, all without
pain. Something I was not able to do for the last 5+ years.

Interestingly, on day number 7, I had a stressful situation on the road. Immediately my back pain was back. Ouch!

However, I remembered my time at the Casa and being aware of my body
and back. So I tried to regain my mind power and could get some strength
back step by step.

How is life today?

Ever since my visit in Abadiânia, I can say I have achieved a good
balance of what I felt the last years and a now pain-free life. It is
dependent on my mindset.

I guess I could have achieved a pain free back in another way but the
Casa and positive energies around it made me more aware of it. Being
there helped me control my mind and consequently my feeling of pain.

It showed me that you don’t need medicine to get rid of pain. It’s
all in the mind. The Casa Dom Inácio offered to people a powerful change
of mindset and well-being. And this is what the secret of Casa might
have been over the last decades. No matter if with or without the
well-known medium Joao de Deus.

Btw read my second blog post about my return to the Casa in Abadiania!

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