
I was working at a job two years ago with my daughter doing brand ambassador work at a store. And one day a guy walked up to me and just started talking to me. He proceeded to tell me that he had chronic myloid leukemia and that he used to have a very successful career in IT. But he told me he lost his career and was very depressed and had to go on disability because he has to take a chemo pill everyday. He said that he had the kind of leukemia that doesn’t kill you and that he could live to be old,  but he just always has to take the medication. But he told me that the medication gave him horrible side effects including very torturous tinnitus. He said it was so bad that he hadn’t slept in about three or four years. Maybe only two hours per night. So anyhow I proceeded to tell him that this isn’t actually my real job and I’m a long time hypnotherapist and an energy healer and holistic therapist and healer. I asked him if he wanted me to try some hypnotherapy on him via phone and we started doing sessions at night on the phone to help him fall asleep. He proceeded to tell me that he had moved to Florida when he was 8 years old and he was from a small town in Pennsylvania with only about 12, 000 people. I said oh that’s really interesting I said I’m also from a small town in Pennsylvania with only 12, 000 people. Right above Pittsburgh I said that’s where my hometown is as well. So we found out we were from the same hometown. I’ve been in Florida for 10 years and have never met anyone from my hometown because it’s so small. So anyways we ended up finding out we were also born in the same Hospital and he had went to the same Elementary School with my mother. I also found out that his birthday on 11:11 and he was born at 11:11 am. My birthday is 11:10 and my sister’s birthday is 11:11. So I was like oh my God the synchronicity. And then I started doing energy healing on him proceeded to tell me that he is part Hungarian and that one of his grandmothers on his dad’s side is from Budapest. My jaw dropped and I told him I’m part Hungarian and one of my grandmother’s on my mom’s side is from Budapest. Other synchronicities happen such as other relatives with the same name and same birthdays and on and on. We were instantly best friends and Incredibly connected at the soul level. I knew instantly that I was supposed to help him. So we worked together for 2 years and I taught him energy healing and he became pretty powerful although still having health issues of his own. Earlier this summer he started having chest pains and jaw pain. His primary care doctor told him that he was having anxiety and gave him a mood stabilizer. This went one on for weeks. I kept telling him this sounds like cardiac and that he should get further testing. I ended up putting his name in for the John of God Circle and triangle for the casa. Not too long after the doctor finally gave him a stress test. I had told him that I would take him to his procedure. I’m usually pretty healthy but that night I started throwing up in the middle of the night and found out I had a large kidney stone and an infection as well. I told him that I couldn’t pick him up…. I needed some pain medication and had to go to the ER. After his testing he came to the ER to see me. A few minutes later he got a phone call about the stress test and was told to immediately go to a hospital. He said I’m already at the hospital visiting my best friend. They said admit yourself immediately and you’re getting a heart cath. We were technically both admitted to the hospital  within the same hour or two. I was on the 4th floor and he was on the 3rd. We were both just kind of laughing because of our unique synchronicity and saying what are the odds of this as we were both about to get our morphine for the night for pain and on the phone. He ended up getting a quadruple bypass 3 days later. He started recovering rather quickly and he still has fatigue and it’s been a journey. But the odds of that were really rare as I’m usually never in the hospital for anything and the timing. The doctors aren’t sure how he’s still alive because he probably should have killed over with a heart attack way before. And he also may have delayed the testing because he was too worried about me and my kidney infection. And it’s an absolute miracle that he’s here today. And many other mystical experiences as well since then. Thank you for sharing!

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